Contact us
TriStar Ashland City Medical Center
Phone directory
- Administration: (615) 792-2400
- Ask-A-Nurse: (615) 514-0757
- Case management: (615) 792-2436
- Dietary services: (615) 792-2430
- Emergency services: (615) 792-3030
- Emergency services — Nurse Manager: (615) 792-2405
- Health information management: (615) 695-8700
- Imaging services: (615) 792-2409
- Information/switchboard: (615) 792-3030
- Inpatient information — Nurse Manager: (615) 792-3322
- Laboratory: (615) 792-2408
- Patient accounts/billing: (615) 886-4733
- Patient registration manager: (615) 792-2456
- Rehab services: (615) 792-2414
- Surgical services — Nurse Manager: (615) 792-2446
General inquiry form
The form on this page is for general inquiries only. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot discuss patient information or financial matters via email. Do not use this form as a way to obtain medical help. If you need medical care, please call your physician.
General internet communication is not secure. As a result, we highly recommend you not to submit confidential or private data on this form (e.g., Social Security numbers, diagnosis information, credit card numbers, etc.).